So, I cannot hide it - I was TOTALLY excited to log on to my blog this evening and find that it has reached 200 followers! Yippee! (Yeah, yeah, I know that's nothing compared to so many of you out there, but it makes me feel special.) Thank you to those of you who take the time to read my posts...that I randomly write, hehe. :)
Anyway, I have 1.5 hours to post something new before April officially concludes. One of my New Years resolutions was to blog at least once a month and I was doing well...until April came around. So here it goes!
There are many things I would love to share with you right now, but the one I am probably most excited about is a new app that I recently came across called "booksapp." You can click HERE to read more about the app on its website. There is also an introductory video for those visual learners out there. (Apparently, there is also a "booksapp2," but my phone does not seem to have that version.) It is an app for your phone that allows you to very easily and quickly organize a list of your classroom library and/or personal collection of books. There are so many AMAZING features about this app, but I will share my favorites:
1 - The app is on your phone, so you can access it, home, Barnes and name it!
(This is what the "home" screen looks like...very simple.)
2 - The app does all the work for you! has a built in scanner and all you have to do is scan the bar code on that back and all the information for the book pops up, including the title, author, publisher, number of pages, the dimensions of the book, a picture of the front cover...anything you can think of!
3 - You can tag each book by subject area. Now this part I LOVE! So when I am unit planning and I am wondering, "What books do I have that teach...say...numbers 1 through 10?" I can go to the subject area that I have called "Numbers" and all my number books will pull up. A-MA-ZING, I tell you.
(These are some of the subject areas I have created so far. Haha! Nevermind my reflection in the phone.)
4 - Do you lose track of what books you own? I sure do. I often find myself browsing at Half Price Books, spy a favorite book, and then ask myself, "Do I have this book already?" You can type in the title of a book in the search or "filter" feature and it will let you know if you have that book or not.
(This is my book list so far. I have lots of books to scan yet! Do you see that white rectangle at the top? If your eyes are good, you might even be able to read "Filter" inside the box. Anyway, that is where you search for books.)
5 - Do you see that link that says "Lend book" in blue? If you borrow a book out to someone, there is a feature on this app to make a note of that. Someone was definitely thinking here!!
6 - It is 100% FREE!!
Seriously...I am in love! <3
Okay, one more random picture. Last month, I wrote about some things I was doing for Spring Open House and I talked about the raffle I was having for kids who showed up with their parents. I noted that one of the prizes was a t-shirt that said, "Proud Student of Janes Elementary School." Well, that cool t-shirt now has an owner and I asked him if we could take a picture together. This kid is a superstar for sure...I wish every teacher had a kiddo like this guy in their class. :) (If only I could show his sweet face...)
And I am done...with 1 hour to spare. ;) As always, thanks for stopping by.