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Saturday, December 31, 2011

My First Blogger Award! Yippee!!

I woke up this morning to find a message from Lisa over at Criss-Cross Applesauce that she awarded me The Versatile Blogger Award!  Yay!  Thanks Lisa!!  My first blogger award...I am so flattered.  Thank you for re-lighting my fire and desire to blog and share all things teaching!

Criss-Cross Applesauce

I so appreciate this recognition, so I want to be sure to follow the blogger award rules:

1 - Thank the person who kindly nominated you by linking back to their blog.  Thank you again Lisa!

2 - Say seven things about yourself - see below, if you're interested.

3 - Pass this award on to 15 newly discovered blogs and let them know they have received an award.

Seven semi-interesting things about myself:

1 - I am pregnant for the first time - 5 months right now!  I cannot tell you how excited we are all around here.  This baby (which is due at the end of May) will be the first grandchild on both sides of the family.

2 - I love to eat!  My favorite foods are guacamole, prime rib, and sushi (which I cannot eat right now, due to the pregnancy...boo).

3 - I am currently reading The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks - my favorite author.

4 - I am slightly obsessed with Cindy Middendorf and her Kinder-friendly approaches to teaching and learning.  Her awesome books are like my teaching bibles, which I have read and re-read.  I have been fortunate enough to see her present 3 times in the last year.  I regulary implement her ideas and strategies in my own classroom.

5 - My favorite band is Collective Soul.  On our wedding day, I walked down the aisle to the all-instrumental song "Pretty Donna" (played by a string quartet).  This song was written by the lead singer of Collective Soul.

6 - I am the mommy of two fat black cats, Sushi and Roscoe.  They were a birthday present from my husband a couple of years ago.  I love them!  I feel so lucky to have found such great kittens at the Human Society.

7 - I love living in the Milwaukee area - the smallest big city in the world!  Okay, the cold and snow in the winter stinks...but everything else makes it worthwhile!

6 blogs that I have recently found that I just love:

Okay, I'm going to cheat just a little.  For the remaining 9 blogs, I am going to list some of my old favorites.

Happy last day of 2011!  Cheers to the New Year!  Thanks for stopping by.  :)


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