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Saturday, February 4, 2012

100th Day of School Cookies and a FREEBIE!

Well... it is almost here:  The 100th Day of School!  This special day officially falls on Monday in our Kindergarten classroom, but our parent-involvement activity and celebration is not until Thursday.  So basically, we will be doing 100-related activities all week.  :)

A few months ago, I read Fran's post on Kindergarten Crayons about the 100th Day of School Cookies that she made (click on the link to read her post).  They were so stinkin' cute, I just knew I had to make them for my kiddos.  I have to admit, mine did not turn out nearly as cute as hers, but I am guessing my kids will love them regardless!

These are the tools and supplies you will need to bake these cute cookies:

I found these cookie cutters at a kitchen and cooking store called Sur La Table near my house.  The blue cap is from a "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" bottle, haha!  That is what we used to cut out the center of the zeros.

My mom was sweet enough to mix up her sugar cookie dough for me the night before, so that saved a chunk of time.  When I got to her house, I was already ready to start cutting out the cookies.

Here are a couple of tips I wish I would have known ahead of time:

1 - Do not roll out your dough too thin or the numbers are more likely to fall apart.

2 - Slightly overlap the numbers.  It will help them hold together.

I used the food coloring to make the white vanilla frosting more exciting!

Here is a close up of the final product.  Yes, a little sloppy, but they taste de-lish!

So now it is time for a FREEBIE!  If you read my previous posts about how we celebrate the 100th Day of School in our classroom, you know we turn it into a parent involvement activity.  In order to show appreciation to the parents who participate, we make them thank-you cards.  This is a simple document, but if you would like your own copy, click HERE to visit my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

P.S.  I am totally excited that I now have over 100 wonderful followers!  Wow... who would have thought!?  As always, thank you for stopping by.  :)


  1. Love the cookies.

    come check out my blog:


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