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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lunchbox Linky Party and a Giveaway!

Oh what fun!  Tara over at 4th Grade Frolics is hosting a totally unique Linky Party:  "Looky in My Lunchbox Linky."


I am a girl who loves to eat and talk about food, so I had to join!  Tara is also giving away this CUTE lunchbox from Thirty-One, so be sure to join the fun!

So here is a picture of my lunchbox.  Other teachers have asked me if it is a Thirty-One bag....nope!  I found this at Target - though my teacher bag is from Thirty-One.

Here is what I had for lunch today!

I am nearly 8 months pregnant, so I am TRYING to eat healthy - though I often fail.  I have been ordering adult lunches from our school cafeteria because they are cheap, healthy, and pretty darn tasty!!  Today I had a chicken salad sandwich on a croissant.  I also packed myself an avocado, an orange, fresh strawberries, cranberry juice, a cookie, and pudding.  Not going to lie... my lunch did not stop there.  I had more in my lunchbox, but I was too embarrassed to take it all out at once in front of my co-workers, haha!  They already thought I was a weirdo for taking a picture of my lunch!!

So Tara asked a few questions in her Linky Party.  Here are my answers:

No, we do not eat lunch with our students - THANK GOODNESS!  I love my kiddos, but geez... we all need a break!

Our lunch / recess break is from 11:00am - 11:50am (primary grades, K - 2nd).  We are fortunate to enjoy that entire 50 minutes, unless we have to "serve" our weekly lunchroom duty for the first 15 minutes OR if we have to "serve" a recess duty (a few times a year).  Oh yeah and on inclement weather days, we have to keep our kids.

I used to eat by myself in my classroom, so I could get work done... but somewhere down the line - probably by the start of my third year of teaching - I realized it is important for me to take a "brain break," take a few deep breaths, talk with my colleagues in the teachers' lounge, and actually EAT!

Well, that was fun!  Thanks, Tara, for hosting such a cook Linky Party!  And thanks to YOU for stopping by!  :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for linking up!! Your lunch box is so cute:) That sandwich looks yummy!!!!

    4th Grade Frolics


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