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Friday, April 25, 2014

Five(ish) for Friday!

Today is bittersweet.  It is Friday (yippee!) but it is the LAST Friday of my 3-week break (bummer).  Because of the year-round schedule at my school, I have been home with my little man the last 3 weeks.  I love my "tiny tornado," but boy - it is exhausting being a (temporary) stay-at-home-mom to a toddler already in his "terrible twos."

Speaking of my little munchkin, here he is!  On Easter Sunday, my immediate family came over, we had a big lunch, colored Easter eggs, and the kids did an Easter egg hunt in the yard - though it was not much of a "hunt."  I just tossed them all out in the open lawn, haha!  (Mason is not even two yet and my niece is only one, so no need for a challenge.)

As I was looking for my son's Easter basket, I came across my tutu!  I wore this as part of my Dr. Seuss Day costume two years ago.  I am really excited to have a reason to wear it again next school year, as we will be trying our best to implement Ron Clark's vision in our own school by bringing in that "joy factor."  So - anything to make the kids giggle!  And, if I am being honest, I will take any excuse to wear my tutu!

Okay, so this is REALLY getting ahead of myself, but I cannot help it!  Plus...it is just FUN stuff to me!  I looked at the floor plan and focused on what might be my next classroom and I started thinking, "Hmmm, how would I set up this room?"  I know; I am a nerd.  (Did I mention I have been home with a toddler the last 3 weeks!?)

I have been looking for a "red carpet" for my Kindergarten classroom (next year).  I want my kiddos to enter our classroom in a FUN way each day!  This was one of the ideas... to crank up the music and have them walk in on a red carpet.  My husband eyed these red bathroom rugs on clearance for only $4.00!  Works for me!

These are the two professional development books I am reading right now:  "About the Authors: Writing Workshop with Our Youngest Writers by Katie Wood Ray and Lisa Cleaveland and "PBL in the Elementary Grades" by the Buck Institute.  Both books are excellent!

I highly recommend "About the Authors," if you teach 4K through 2nd grade and you are thinking about implementing a Writer's Workshop in your classroom, though I would suggest reading Projecting Possibilities for Writers by Matt Glover and Mary Alice Berry first.  I like to see the big picture first (which is what "Projecting Possibilities for Writers" helped me do), then work through the logistics (which is what "About the Authors" is helping me do).

Here is my stack of books that are on deck.  The spiral bound book is Math Work Stations by Debbie Diller, followed by "Making the Most of Small Groups" by Debbie Diller, "Already Ready" by Matt Glover, "Engaging Young Writers" by Matt Glover, "Doing Science in Morning Meeting" by the Responsive Classroom, and "Guided Reading" by Fountas and Pinnell.

The Fountas and Pinnell book is kind of out-dated, but I was really struggling to find another guided reading book for Kindergarten.  Any suggestions for me!?  I would also like a book on Math Workshop for the primary grades.

Okay, so I am not following the rules...I am throwing in another picture, but I just got these awesome aprons from my mom and I just had to share them!  I wanted a short apron to tie around my waist when I teach, so I can keep essential items close by me at all times - particularly my digital camera.  I searched online and though there were some cute ones out there, they were a little pricey (in my opinion).  I asked my mom if she would make one for me and she said, "Yeah, that would be pretty easy."  (I am glad she thinks so, as I do not know how to sew.)

As you can see, my mom is the "go big or go home" type, so she made me THREE aprons!  Aren't they cute!?  Thanks Ma!  :)

I am joining the "Five for Friday" linky party over at Doodle Bugs (first grade rocks), so be sure to hop over there to see what other teachers are up to!

As always, thanks for stopping by!  :)