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Saturday, February 25, 2017

The Door Decision - Open or Close It?

Happy Saturday everyone!  I hope you are enjoying your weekends as much as I am.  So...random topic for you this evening:

I once read that teachers make over 1,500 educational decisions each school day. Craziness! Add to the list the following question: Do you keep your classroom door open or closed? I usually keep mine closed because we can be loud and I know my voice carries.  (I have my family members to thank for reminding me of this my entire life.)  I have recently become aware, however, that a closed door can send the wrong message.

SO...I made up this cutie-patootie sign to stick on our classroom door in hopes of making everyone feel welcome, even if visitors first approach a closed door. #fingerscrossed

I hope you find this sign useful, too!  Feel free to snag this freebie in my TPT store.

So what about you?  Do you keep your door open, closed, or a mix of both?  And why?  Feel free to leave a comment below!