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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday Start on my Monday Made It and a FREEBIE!

Happy Monday Sunday everyone!  I have a simple project to share with you.
(Haha!  I just noticed my son in this picture.  Oh well!)
Next year, when I (hopefully) get into my new classroom, I am determined to create a beautiful, cheerful, and organized learning environment that my students are happy to walk into everyday and that I can be proud of.  The organized part is easy-peasy for me - organization is in my blood.  BUT - the hard part is making it beautiful.  I see all these aMaZiNg classrooms on your blogs and I want that so badly, but I do not know how you afford it!
One thing I have been doing lately is taking inexpensive, free, and previously owned items (in this case, I used veggie cans and baby food containers) and spray painting them so they match the color theme I plan to go with next year.  Then, I wrapped some fun washi tape around them.

I liked the washi tape, but the expressions tape was kind of see-through.  I do not think I will buy that again.  I am going to hot glue some ribbon on my next round of spray painted goodies.

If you have any ideas on how to create a beautiful classroom on a budget, please do share!  I would love to hear how you all do it!
Do not forget to swing by Tara's linky party on her awesome blog, 4th Grade Frolics, to see what other teachers have created.
On a different note...
I bet many of you have been incorporating name activities into your ELA and Math units during this "back to school" time, right?  Well, that is why I thought you might be able to use this FREEBIE that I created.  If you would like to snag it, please visit my Teachers Pay Teachers store by clicking HERE!  I really do read and appreciate your feedback!!
I have never met a child that does not like to talk about him or herself and most kids (at least the little ones) are pretty proud of their names.  So this activity is sure to interest your kiddos!  Have fun with it!
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful week!  :)


  1. Super cute Amber! I saw your link up on the 4th Grade Frolics page... We will have to chat, as I am seriously considering starting up my own blog! :)

    1. "It's a small world after all!" :) You SHOULD start your own blog. It is LOTS of fun and super easy. The only hard part is finding the time to write, LOL, at least for me anyway.

    2. I more than understand! I start back at Stritch next week...


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