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Monday, August 3, 2015

Monday Made Its in August!

August - It's crunch time, people!  I am officially in panic mode.

I am linking up with Tara at 4th Grade Frolics to share some things that I have been crafting.

This is what my "Pick Me" sticks looked like last year - I used the students' names.

Teacher Tip:  I finally wised up and wrote the names on pieces of clear Scotch tape vs. writing the names directly on the sticks themselves, which was causing me to repaint them each summer.

I was pleased to see that they easily peeled off and the tape did not take the paint off.  Yay!

I made the decision to use a student numbering system in my classroom for the first time ever and I think I am going to love it.  So this time around, I wrote numbers on our "Pick Me" sticks, so I should never have to update them again.

Next up are the magnets for our Homework Club board.

I used some circle magnets (I think I found them in the Target Dollar Spot last summer) and flat colored duct tape.

At first I was tracing the magnets on the colored side of the duct tape, which was leaving black marks after I cut out the circles.  Then I started to do the tracing on the back.  Duh Amber.

I did use one roll of green duct tape and this was more difficult to do (vs. the flat duct tape), but I got 'er done.  I just had to cut around the magnets.

So they looked like this when I was done tracing and cutting.

I found these perfect number stickers at Walmart.

Like I mentioned earlier, I am using student numbers, so I should never have to update these in the future.  Awesome!

This is the final product.  I quite like our Homework Club board!

I bought those pink magnetic borders at a local teacher store and I love them as they really define the space!  I left the bottom part open because I will be hanging superior student work there.

You might have read in one of my earlier blog posts that I attended a Whole Brain Teaching Conference.  I picked up a great tip there:  If you want to announce a really big, important point to your students and you REALLY want to make sure you have everyone's undivided attention, call out "Class / Yes," then "Hands and Eyes" and stand under a big arrow that hangs high on your wall or from your ceiling so you can make your "really big point."  Clever!

I just learned that this idea originally came from Chris Biffle's new book, Whole Brain Teaching: 122 Amazing Games, which is on my wish list.

I found this Kohls Cares "Go Dog Go!" chair a few years ago at a huge children's consignment event for only a few bucks.  I still love it because it is a perfect size for my little ones, but I was not in love with the colors.  So I spray painted it and I am happier!  Buuuut - even though I flipped the fabrics parts around, you can still see the "Go Dog Go!" prints.  Any ideas on how I can hide or change these?  I am on the hunt for a small, cute seat cushion, but I am not so sure I will find one.  Hmmmmm.  Help!?

You may remember these curtains from my previous classroom.  I am SO LUCKY to have the same set-up (shelves under windows) in my new classroom, so I can continue to use these curtains that I worked hard to make last summer!  

However, I was short one curtain, so (with the help of my mom) I whipped up the green and white chevron one last weekend.

My parents gave me my very own brand new sewing machine for my birthday last year.  It was on my wish list, so I was super excited to start making all the cute projects I had pinned on Pinterest.  Well - almost a year later, I finally used it for the first time. Haha!

I bought too much fabric, so I whipped up an extra curtain in case anything happens to any of the others.  But instead of storing it away, I decided to use it as a valance for now.  It is a bit short on the sides, but it is better than an empty, bare window.

That's it!  I hope to squeeze in another Monday Made It next week before the school year begins.  Thanks for stopping by!  :)


  1. HI Amber. Your curtains are really cute. I wonder if a regular seat cushion would work for the seat and a color coordinated piece of fabric cut to fit the top back that could be adhered on. If not, maybe wide ribbon wrapped around the top back. You could use two different colors or designs and give it an interesting collaged look. They sell fabric glue or adhesives for fabric to help it stick.


    1. Hi Julie! :) I've been in the hunt for a cute seat cushion, but I'm so picky! Hopefully I find something soon. I really like the wide ribbon idea. Thanks! I think I have another Monday Made It project. :)

  2. Oh how I wish I saw your magnet idea earlier this summer! I ended up ordering magnets off Amazon...they came from China I guess because they took 4 weeks with prime shipping. ha ha. And - Only 24. Now I am short 3 and I can't buy more at this point. I may need to start over with the magnets! :)
    Visit me at P.J. Jots! Have a great day!

    1. Oh man, what a bummer that you had to go through all that hassle! Maybe check your local Target Dollar Spot, Dollar Tree, something like that. PS - I updated this blog post with a picture (that I took this morning in my classroom) of the final Homework Club product. I hope it inspires you to re-work yours in a way that you and your students will love! Best of luck to you!

  3. Love your curtains! I made a set for my new room but I used a stapler because my skills don't extend to sewing machines. My 8 year old niece keeps promising she will teach me!

    The Math Maniac

    1. LOL! That's cute. Yeah, I'm pretty bad at sewing and I still can't get it set up without the help of my mom. Baby steps!

  4. I love using a numbering system. It makes life so much easier. You will be glad you made the switch. I need to carry a Really Big Point sign around on my head. Maybe I will make a headband!!!!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

    1. I agree that the numbering system is a genius idea. I don't know why, but sometimes I have to let ideas marinate (or I have to learn my mistakes, hehe) before I dive in. LOL - Good luck with that headband idea. ;)

  5. Boy - you've been super busy! Everything looks awesome!!
    Are We There Yet?

    1. Hi Janie! Thanks for swinging by my little 'ole blog. I'm your newest follower on Bloglovin. P.S. - I think it's neat that you became a teacher later in life. My experience is that those type of teachers genuinely have the PASSION! (I worked with an exceptional later-in-life teacher last year and I totally adore him.)

  6. Great job on all of your projects! Love the Really Big Point! SO cute! Good luck with the rest of your back to school prep!


  7. I believe I read somewhere recently that there is such a thing as fabric spray paint. Maybe that would work for your chair.

    1. Fabric spray paint!? I'm so doing a Google search now! Thanks for the tip!

  8. Now I want that arrow!! Love that idea. I don't do WBT, but have watched many videos and it interests me very much. Also, those curtains!! Oh my! Love!!!


    1. Hi Kendwy! The arrow was really easy to make. I cut a triangle first, then used the leftover scraps to make the rectangle part by putting the two scrap pieces together. I laminated it and attached letters that I bought from a teacher store. Easy peasey! You could / should totally make one! ;) You don't have to be a WBT know-it-all to do this idea - I know I certainly am not, but I'm just give it a try. Thanks for stopping by my little 'ole blog!


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