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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Free and Fun Fonts for You!

Happy (lazy) Sunday, everyone!  Peeking out my window, it looks like my baby, my husband, and I are living in a snow globe.  :)  What a perfect kind of day for writing a quick blog post.
Many of you out there in the blogging / Pinterest world have talked about how awesome iFontMaker is, so I did some research myself.  I found out that I could not download this app on my Google Nexus, BUT...I was able to convince my sweet hubby into letting me download it on his iPad (hehe).  Click HERE if you would like to look into this cool app yourself.  The cost is $7.00, which is totally worth it - in my opinion!
Anyway, I am still a novice, but I do have a few FREE fonts to share with you that I have created.
(The adorable pink and swirly frame that you see is from the one and only 3 AM Teacher.  If you are unfamiliar with her amazing frames, clip art, and other goodies, I suggest you check her out!)

Okay, so this is my first time trying to share fonts.  I have "published" them on iFontMaker's website, so they should be downloadable (Is that a word?) to the public.  If you have any troubles, PLEASE let me know, so that I can attempt to fix the issue - but hopefully, all goes well!
Click on the links below to download the fonts:
Well, I suppose I ought to go do something more productive (and probably far less fun than blogging) with my day.  I hope you are able to use these fonts in goodies that you create for your classrooms.  As always, thanks for stopping by!


  1. I just got the app!!!!! Oh my - Best. App. EVER!!!! I thought I would share my first font with you since you have shared yours - feel free to share it with others if you like. I do not have a blog that I can use to share my creations (not nearly organized enough), but if there is anyone else out there that gets extremely frustrated trying to find a font that matches the way we teach the kids to write, then maybe my font will help them. Can't wait to play around with the app some more.


    1. LOL, I share your love for this app, for sure! Thank you for sharing your own font...I have downloaded it and I love it. It is so clean looking, which is like the top thing I look for in fonts.

  2. Replies
    1. You are so welcome. Thanks for stopping by my little blog. By the way - your blog is super cute! I am your newest follower. :)

  3. Thank you for sharing these fonts!!!!


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