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Sunday, January 29, 2012

M&M Math and a FREEBIE!

I am pretty pumped for our Math lesson tomorrow!  My students will be reviewing some skills that they have previously learned throughout the year:  estimating, counting, and sorting.  They will also be practicing a new skill:  adding.

1 - First we will read aloud Candy Counting: Delicious Ways to Add and Subtract by Lisa McCourt.  This book is perfect for our "Stories About Joining" lesson because it tells story problems about candy.  I am fortunate to have this book in our school library.  Check out your own library, but if it is not there, I see that it is on Amazon for a reasonable price.  We will be using real candy as manipulatives to solve the addition problems - whole group - as we read (I am currently skipping over the subtraction problems).

2 - Then the students will be completing the M&M activity sheet that I just made.  If you would like your own copy of this FREEBIE, click HERE to visit my Teachers Pay Teachers store.

The students first estimate how many candies are in their bags and write their prediciton.  Then, they open the bags, count the candies, and then write the answer.  Next, the students sort the candies by color, count how many are in each group, and write those numbers.  Finally, the kids solve addition problems according to how many are in each color group.

3 - Early finishers (you know you will have them) can complete a "Candy Counting" worksheet (by TLS Books) that I found online.  Click HERE to grab yourself a copy.

If you have any fun and hands-on addition activities to share, I would love to hear them!  Do you have any posts on your own blog about addition in Kindergarten.  Please let me know and I will be sure to hop over and check it out!

Thanks for stopping by!  :)

1 comment:

  1. That looks so cute!!!!

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