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Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Linky Party and My Next Big Challenge!

There is a Linky Party going on over at Fabulous 4th Grade Froggies and I am super excited to join the party!  Now, I have to admit, I am not officially a 3rd grade teacher yet... but starting on July 9th, I will be!  I am beginning to wrap my brain around that change and so I am SUPER grateful for this Linky Party, as I am discovering some awesome upper elementary grade blogs.

I recently went into the classroom - that will soon be my own - to take photos.  I am totally a visual learner, so I wanted the photos to help me plan while I am home.  I will be going on maternity leave for the end of this school year and the first month of next school year.  Yeah, crazy, right!?  I am extremely fortunate that my mother is going to take a week off of work to watch my soon-to-be newborn, so I can break down, move, and set up classrooms in June.

So... here is my next big challenge:  Creating a Third Grade classroom environment that matches my teaching style and personality.  Here is the canvas I will be working with:

Lots of organizing... lots of decorating... lots of setting up to do!  Wish me luck, please, because I will need it!  Thanks for stopping by.  :)


  1. Hi! I just found your blog via the Linky Party and I am your newest follower! I also made a jump from the lower grades to the upper and I am loving it! I had always taught 1st & 2nd and now I am in Fourth! Good luck and Congrats on your little bundle of joy coming!!! Come by and see my blog anytime!

    One Teacher's Take

  2. I am your newest follower. You have a great space to begin the new adventure. I am sure the linky party will provide you with many new friends who will be happy to share ideas.
    Learning in Bliss

  3. I found your blog through the upper grades linky, and I’m your newest member! I, too, am still trying to get my room just the way I like it.

  4. Hi..I just found your blog through the link party. I am your newest follower! Come over and visit my blog when you have a chance.



  5. I found you through the linky party. Third grade really is the best, you're going to love it!

    Christi ツ
    Ms. Fultz’s Corner

  6. Hi!

    I found you through the linky party. Enjoy decorating your new room!

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  7. Hi Amber!
    I'm a third grade teacher in San Antonio, Texas, and have been in 3rd for 9 years now and I would like to say "welcome to 3rd grade!" Congrats on the little one and enjoy your time away as well! I found your blog through the upper grade linky party and I'm now following you. I would love for you to drop by my blog when you get a chance. Maybe I can help you out with some ideas for next school year!
    Patti :)
    A Series of 3rd Grade Events


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