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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cindy Middendorf...one word - AMAZING!

Now that I have entered this wonderful world of blogging with other teachers, I feel compelled to tell you about someone who has SO inspired my teaching.  Her name is Cindy Middendorf and if you are not familiar with her, do yourself a favor - visit her website and read her books!  If I have my facts right, she was a teacher for 30 years and 22 of them were spent teaching Kindergarten.  She is now an educational consultant.  I had the pleasure of attending two of her sessions (I would have gone to more, had they been offered) at the Wisconsin State Reading Association this last winter.  GOOD NEWS for those of you who live in Wisconsin or our neighboring states...she will be the presenter at the Wisconsin Kindergarten Association Fall Conference this year!  Mark it on your calendars - Saturday, October 15th in Stevens Point.  See the link below for more information:

WKA Fall Conference

I highly recommend her professional development books.  Buy them, sit down with a cup of coffee, a pen, a highlighter, and Post-It notes, and enjoy!
- Differentiating Instruction in Kindergarten
- Building Oral Language Skills in PreK and K

Cindy Middendorf also has a Differentiated Instruction focused lesson plan book through Scholastic.

Click on the link below to visit her website.  Although, I have to warn you, she will leave you wanting more!  (I do not think the site is updated often.  Let me know if you find a blog or other online resources by her, please!)

Cindy Middendorf's website

I so hope that Cindy inspires you in the same way that she has inspired me.  So many great ideas from her, so much energy, so much passion.  Have fun!


  1. Amber,

    Although this thank you note, is two years too late, please know how much I appreciate your comments. I had never seen them until a friend recently emailed me. She came across your blog, and couldn't wait to tell me about your kind words. I do so appreciate it!
    You're right; I do not update my website nearly enough. (You mean once a year is not enough?) You have inspired me to, well, at least think about it! I do have a new book that came out from Scholastic last month, and I'd love to send one to you if you're still in any PreK -2 classroom. I'd need your snail mail address. You can contact me through my website. (I do know that THAT works, since I get contacts often there!)
    Many thanks, Cindy

    1. Hi Cindy! :D Oh my, you have no idea how excited I am that YOU wrote little 'ole ME! Thanks for making my week! I've always thought you should create a blog. So many teachers out there need to hear about your amazing and effective ideas and blogs are such an awesome way to do just that. And it is easy-peasy! I actually already have your new book (I know, big shocker). As a matter of fact, as soon as I learned that you had a new book coming out, I put a reminder on my calendar to buy it right away and I did, ha! Though, I have to admit, I won't really have time to read until August when my school is on break (I work at a year-round school with a non-traditional schedule). I am SO looking forward to cracking it open! Now with that being said, I would LOVE a signed copy!! Will you be in Wisconsin any time soon?


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